Cost-To-Serve &
Profit Management Software
Improve your business's profitability: We connect commercial and operational data with a financial perspective which drives better growth.
Shortening the path to Digital Transformation
by Phi
Cost-To-Serve as core of the Model
Data Driven
Business Management
Phi as platform transforms your data into solutions opportunities growth
Phi is a platform for managing and maximizing business profitability across diverse industries.It harnesses a robust Cost-To-Serve calculation engine, rooted in ABC methodology, empowering autonomous, rapid, and secure processing of vast arrays of financial, commercial, operational, and market data. This transformative tool brings forth a comprehensive Customer and Product-centric view within the company's P&L landscape.
It presents the results in BI dashboards to facilitate Growth Opportunity findings as well as Decision-Making Processes by the teams.
- SaaS | Enterprise Software.
- Activity Based Costing (ABC) models applied to Cost-To-Serve.
- Big Data infrastructure.
- BI, Visibility and Simulation of optimization scenarios.
- AI applied to Go To Market and Profit Management.
From data... business decisions driven by financial knowledge.
Why Cost-To-Serve as the base model?
The value of a robust Cost-To-Serve model lies in its capacity to accurately represent the unique realities of each business. This is what sets Phiapart from other software: its ability to assess profitability by comprehensively considering 3 key dimensions::
Route To Market (RTM) Models & Contact Strategies
- Result of the current Contact Strategy by Segment.
- Commercial Performance.
- Performance of the Route-To-Market (RTM) Mosaics.
- Cost of visit per segment and RTM Mosaic.
- Drops required by contact..
Channels & Customer Segmentation
- Results by Channel and Customer Segments.
- Results by Territory and Sales Regions.
- Pricing Strategies, Promotions and Discounts by Segment.
- Trade Terms.
- Customer Development Potential..
Product Categories, Brands & SKUs
- Results by Categories, Brands and Products.
- Mix Management by Customer Segment.
- Products and Contact Strategies.
As a result of this evaluation, Phi provides a granular understanding and insight into the profitability of each Customer, Product and Market Contact Scheme
Pillars of the tool to generate value
Simply having visibility and control over a business's profitability is insufficient for producing results. It's essential that a Profitability Management Culture permeates the objectives and daily work of teams to ensure tangible outcomes.
Phi streamlines decision-making processes, aids in strategies development, and support operational teams in daily basis management of initiatives resulting from made decisions.
Activity Based Costing (ABC)
- Basis for a correct Cost-To-Serve modeling, getting out of the visibility traps typical of traditional costing models.
- It allows to represent the reality of each company and business.
- No limit to the information used by the model and the volume and type of allocations criteria to be applied.
BI: Descriptive and Predictive Analytics (AI) oriented to Profit-To-Serve
- Understanding the past and the evolution of the business.
- Identifying business opportunity areas and the amount of their potential impact.
- Facilitating the call to action by understanding the best approach to seize each opportunity.
Simulation of decision Scenarios and Initiatives Control Tower
- Simulation of decision impacts in multiple cases of information usage.
- Tracking of initiatives to manage action plans and guarantee results.
- Guidance of everyday operations of the teams.